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Four days of highlights: the best tips for the Central European Rally

  • Visitors to the Central European Rally can look forward to new highlights every day

  • Starting in Prague – finishing in Passau – service park in Karpfham – overnight stop in Klatovy (CZE)

  • 42 fan zones offer spectacular rally impressions and excellent infrastructure

In der WRC gibt es immer wieder Gelegenheiten, den Stars hautnah zu begegnen – so etwa beim Start in Prag, bei der Siegerehrung in Passau oder in den Serviceparks von Klatovy (Donnerstag) und Bad Griesbach (Freitag bis Sonntag)


The Central European Rally will be a motorsport festival in the tri-border region between Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria from 17 to 20 October, offering unique highlights for visitors over four days. From the start in the Czech capital Prague on Thursday to the finish ramp in Passau, Bavaria, on Sunday, 42 fan zones await at the special stages, combining spectacular rally action and infrastructure for visitors. Many attractions will be available at the weekend, providing a full programme for four days away from the 18 special stages. To keep track of all the action, it's worth taking a look at the internet: all visitor information and tickets are available at and via the free smartphone app ‘TW Sportsoft’.

The best spectator points are signposted and easy to find: the access routes are signposted on the main roads in the vicinity of the routes. Each fan zone is named with a unique fan zone number combination, with the fan zone designating a WP and the numbers being consecutive.


Die Fan-Zonen bei der Central European Rally bieten jeden Tag beste Sicht auf die Rallye-Action, eine ausgefeilte Infrastruktur und natürlich sichere Standplätze für die Besucher.

Thursday: A thrilling startOn the first day of the CER, the focus is on Prague and Klatovy. In the heart of the Czech capital, the participants will start the event at 2:00 pm. At the ramp directly in front of the presidential palace, fans will be able to get up close and personal with the top stars of the rally scene during an autograph session and interviews. Immediately afterwards, the first special stage will start just outside the gates of Prague: the Super Special Stage Velká Chuchle, which will take place in the oval of the horse race track, will offer plenty of excitement, accompanied by a thrilling supporting programme. From midday, the action continues in the centre of Klatovy – the second highlight of the day. There, as before on the racecourse, visitors will not miss a second of rally action thanks to large video screens. In the afternoon, the participants gather there for the regrouping, which provides opportunities for interviews, and autograph hunters also get their money's worth here. Finally, in the early evening, the almost 12 km long SS2 is on the agenda. Those who want to witness the WRC cars' headlights racing through the dusk in the battle for fractions of a second will find a whole series of spectator points along the route. A special tip is the B4 fan zone near the village of Bolešin, where the cars will speed over a jump and can be followed for a long time.


Friday: Action around the horse ranchThe rally continues in Klatovy on Friday morning. Those who want to spend the night there, just like the WRC aces, should head to the Strašín test (SS4 / 7, fan zone ‘D’): there is a fan zone here, D10, near the village of Hoslovice – a turn-off with a high-speed approach that promises plenty of action. The Hoslovice horse ranch is very close by and offers a great programme during the rally with equestrian shows, children's riding, a video screen, catering with local specialities and much more. Campers can stay overnight on the premises and even find disposal facilities for their sanitary facilities. For those travelling from Germany or Austria, the nearest route is WP 5/8 Šumavské Hoštice (fan zone E), and here too, fan zone E16 is a hot tip: the rally vehicles can be followed there for almost a kilometre, passing two bends and a small jump.


Highlights wie die Nachtprüfung in Klatovy, spektakuläre Sprünge, riesige Fanzonen und vieles mehr locken die Zuschauer an die Prüfungen in Deutschland, Österreich und Tschechien

Saturday: first cross-border special stageAfter the rally convoy arrives at the service park in Karpfham near Bad Griesbach from 8 p.m. on Friday evening, the third day will start from there on Saturday. A visit to the extensive grounds is worthwhile in any case, because not only can the teams and vehicles be seen up close, but there is also plenty of entertainment. Those who want to experience the action up close should head to the nearby ‘Granit und Wald’ stage (SS 9/12, fan zone F). The extensive fan zone F20, for example, offers many great locations and nearby camping opportunities. There is also an absolute highlight in store for fans in Austria. For the first time, the rally crosses the border between Bavaria and Austria on SS 10/13 (‘Beyond Borders’, fan zone G). Shortly afterwards, there is a true ‘arena’ at fan zone G22 near the sawmill at Fuchsödt. There is a jump where fans have a perfect view of the action from a hill opposite.


Sunday: Decisions and award ceremoniesThe final day of the rally is all about deciding the winners and runners-up, and also a possible preliminary decision in the World Championship fight. But before the champagne and trophies are handed out, the decisions will be made on the four final special stages. Spectators will definitely be in the right place at SS15/17 (KNAUS TABBERT Am Hochwald, fan zones K), which passes directly by the recreational vehicle manufacturer's plant. The fan zones K31 to K34 benefit from the conveniently located parking facilities, fantastic views of the rally action, good infrastructure and, of course, visitors can use the breaks to view the company's products on display. There is also a camping area, and a shuttle service to the Nordic Centre of Excellence at Jägerbild provides the opportunity to experience the ‘Grande Finale’ of the rally: Because that is where the vehicles arrive after the second round, classified as the Power Stage, on WP 16 / 18 (‘Passauer Land’, fan zones L), and after a short ‘Flower Ceremony’ there will be an initial award ceremony for the top three in the rally. The overall award ceremony and the celebratory reception for all participants will then follow in the afternoon from 3:30 p.m. in the city centre of Passau. Fans are also in for a treat here, with a colourful supporting programme in front of the historic town hall of the three-river city.


At a glance: all the highlights in brief

Thursday, 17 October 2024

From 9:00 am: Shakedown (Točná)

From 9:00 am: Fan programme in Velká Chuchle (incl. live broadcast of shakedown and start)

From 12:00: Fan programme in the centre of Klatovy

13:00 / 13:30: Autograph Session for selected Crews, Prague Castle

13:20 / 14:00: FIA Meet the Crews with Invited Drivers, Co-Drivers and Team Representatives, Prague Castle, Start Ramp

From 14:00: Start of the show with a big fan programme in the centre of Prague (Hradčany)

From 15:00: SS 1 – Velká Chuchle (fan zones: A)

From 18:26: SS 2 – Klatovy 1 (fan zones: B)

Friday, 18 October 2024

All day: Programme at the Hoslovice horse ranch (near fan zone D10)

From 06:45: Start of the second day of the overnight parc fermé in Klatovy

From 08:02: SS 3 – Klatovy 2 (fan zones: B)

Starting at 09:32: SS 4 – Strašín 1 (fan zones: D)

Starting at 10:42: SS 5 – Šumavské Hoštice 1 (fan zones: E)

From 13:11: SS6 – Klatovy 3 (fan zones: B)

From 13:58: Regrouping & Technical Zone Janovice

From 16:14: SS7 – Strašín 2 (fan zones: D)

From 17:24: SS 8 – Šumavské Hoštice 2 (fan zones: E)

From 20:04: Parc fermé & technical zone / flexi service Karpfham / Bad Griesbach

Approx. 20:30: FIA Meet the Crews with top 3 Drivers and Team Representatives, Service Parc, Karpfham.

Saturday, 19 October 2024

All day: Service park for the ADAC Opel Electric Rally Cup in Hauzenberg

From 06:20: Start of the third day from the service park Karpfham / Bad Griesbach

From 07:58: SS 9 – Granit und Wald 1 (Fan zones: F)

Starting at 09:05: SS 10 – Beyond Borders 1 (fan zones: G)

Starting at 10:34: SS 11 – Schärdinger Innviertel 1 (fan zones: H)

Starting at 11:40: Regrouping & Technical Zone Karpfham / Bad Griesbach

From 2:28 p.m.: SS 12 – Granit and Forest 2 (Fan zones: F)

From 3:35 p.m.: SS 13 – Beyond Borders 2 (Fan zones: G)

From 5:04 p.m.: SS 14 – Schärdinger Innviertel 2 (Fan zones: H)

From 18:07: Parc Fermé & Technical Zone / Flexi Service Karpfham / Bad Griesbach

Approx 18:30: FIA Meet the Crews with top 3 Drivers and Team Representatives, Service Parc

Sunday, 20 October 2024

All day: Sunday opening in Hauzenberg, time check and presentation of participants at the town hall square

From 07:20: Start of the fourth day from the service area Karpfham / Bad Griesbach

From 09:11 a.m.: SS 15 – KNAUS TABBERT Am Hochwald 1 (fan zones: K) with an exhibition of KNAUS TABBERT models at work and a stopping point for the spectator shuttle to Jägerbild

From 10:35 a.m.: SS 16 – Passauer Land 1 (fan zones: L)

Starting at 11:33 a.m.: SS 17 – KNAUS TABBERT Am Hochwald 2 (fan zones: K)

Starting at 1:15 p.m.: SS 18 – Wolf Power Stage Passauer Land 2 (fan zones: L) with Flower Ceremony at the Nordic Centre of Excellence at Jägerbild

Starting at 3:30 p.m.: podium and award ceremony Passau city centre, Rathausplatz

15:00: Final FIA Meet the Crews with top 3 Drivers and Team Representatives, Service Parc, Karpfham

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