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Central European Rally looking for volunteers for WRC race in October

  • 1,700 marshals help make the Central European Rally a safe event

  • Fascinating role for motorsport fans comes with tangible perks

  • New volunteer portal: added value for helpers

When the Central European Rally hosts the FIA World Rally Championship (WRC) from 17th to 20th October 2024, one group of people will be among those in the spotlight: a good 1,700 marshals will help ensure safety and that procedures are adhered to out on the special stages (SS). The many international volunteers on the stages in Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic will not only experience the action up close and personal, but they will also help to make the event a genuine joint European project. Motorsport enthusiasts can register to volunteer now and be part of this very special community. Anyone physically able to spend longer amounts of time on their feet can apply. Marshals with motorsport experience are obviously particularly welcome. Whether as a helper for one day or the whole week of the rally, anyone who gets involved will be rewarded: as well as an expense allowance, there will also be a commemorative gift in the form of the popular CER cap. It goes without saying that volunteers also receive a ticket, which can be used to enter the special stages on every day of the event. The volunteer portal for the Central European Rally can be found at

Whether in the Service Park and adjacent areas like the vehicle park and Welcome Center, or on one of the special stages in three European countries: only the drivers and co-drivers in the cars will get closer to the action at the 12th of this season’s 13 WRC rallies. Anyone wanting to be part of this festival of thrilling motorsport for one or more days is more than welcome. A number of volunteers will be required as early as Sunday 13th October 2024, when operations get underway in the Welcome Center and Rally Headquarters. The Service Park, which gradually gets up and running at the start of the rally week, also needs helping hands. The number of marshals required then increases significantly during the competition itself. Volunteers will be in action on stages in the Czech Republic on the Thursday and Friday, then on routes in Germany and Austria on the Saturday and Sunday.

Central European Rally helps volunteers attain official licence

Given the number and diversity of roles, one thing is clear: there is something for everyone. In the new volunteer portal for the Central European Rally (, potential helpers can specify on which days they can help, and what jobs they can take on. Travel information – from joining a marshals group to finding accommodation – can also be found here. Once details have been entered, they need not be re-entered if intending to volunteer again the following year. Billing also takes place via the portal, making it a comprehensive instrument for the rally organisation and an extremely practical tool for volunteers. Existing motorsport licences can also be specified here, as they obviously allow the owners to take on special roles. Anyone interested in applying for the official DMSB licence as a route marshal is truly in the right place at the Central European Rally: attending one of the official training courses ahead of the event makes helpers eligible to receive the coveted licence card, which identifies the holder as an expert in safety out on the route.

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