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Central European Rally awarded FIA environmental accreditation

  • World Rally Championship’s (WRC) pan-European race awarded FIA’s environmental accreditation

  • FIA confirms highest level for the CER’s environmental and sustainability concept

  • Another important component in the motorsport event’s intensive sustainability efforts

Proven to be good: the Central European Rally received the FIA's highest three-star sustainability accreditation for its comprehensive environmental and sustainability concept.

The Central European Rally is excellent when it comes to sustainability – this motto has been part of the plans for the WRC event through Germany, Austria and Czechia since the very beginning. Through numerous individual measures the organisers proved that this commitment is lived out in the debut year 2023. Now the event has official accreditation this year: A professional audit on behalf of the environment and sustainability commission of the international governing body for motorsport, the FIA, verified and evaluated various topics. Following this, the event was awarded the three-star accreditation and thereby the highest level of the FIA Environmental Accreditation Programme. The accreditation is valid for two years and reinforces the organisers’ resolve to continue their chosen path in 2024.


Even though the spectacular motor sport action is the centre of attention, environmental protection is also a top priority at the rally through Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic.

The FIA environmental accreditation tailored specifically to those involved in motorsport is an important opportunity for organisers of automobile world championship races to verify their efforts towards sustainable and eco-friendly management. The international association’s extensive catalogue of topics comprises 17 individual areas in which, depending on the accreditation level, some very detailed data must be entered and evaluated precisely. On the one hand this served as a checklist for the accreditation, which was carried out on site by BSI Group experts on behalf of the FIA. On the other hand, it is also a guideline that navigates the accreditation process and provides starting points for further environmentally friendly action.


Extensive inspection catalogue

The list of questions ranges from overarching topics such as the existence of a dedicated environmental approach and a general commitment to sustainable action, to small-scale investigations, for example, in the areas of waste management, resource conservation or CO₂ reduction. Noise protection as well as efforts towards biodiversity and air quality are considered. After the audit the inspectors confirmed that the organisers act responsibly and using best practices in all areas. The audit is similar to an ISO evaluation as performed for commercial enterprises and is equally strict.


The extensive FIA audit confirmed that the Central European Rally takes sustainability seriously in all areas of organisation. This commitment will be further expanded in 2024.

Wide-ranging sustainability concept to be continued

The Central European Rally has launched a sustainability programme in the initial concept phase that fully complies with FIA requirements and goes beyond them in many areas. This is primarily due to the fact that the FIA accreditation focuses on environmental aspects while the WRC event in Central Europe places a broader focus on all areas of sustainability. Based on last year’s experience, the concept will be updated in 2024 and further improved in key areas.


Ride-sharing app received award

An integral aspect is further optimising the programme for car-sharing since visitor traffic throughout the event is a driver of the rally’s carbon footprint and can be significantly influenced by forming carpools. The “twogo – ADAC Pendlernetz” smartphone app was awarded the FIA’s sustainability prize after the Central European Rally and is a pillar of the efforts once again this year. It will be tailored to the event even more precisely for the Central European Rally 2024, and a competition will make it even more appealing to use the app.


Sustainable activities being expanded

In terms of spectators in particular there are two further topics in which the WRC event in the heart of Europe is looking to improve its sustainability. One way to do so is the planned comprehensive concept for avoiding and reducing waste, which ranges from greater use of recyclable products to utilising digital instead of printed products for event communication. In addition, easy-to-implement individual measures that support environmental protection and sustainability will be communicated to spectators. This spectrum ranges from forming carpools to socially responsible and environmentally friendly conduct at the event site. There will be suitable spectator points designated especially for guests with disabilities once again. The organizers are also working with a manufacturer of all-terrain wheelchairs in this area, which will be presented at the rally.

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